Maybe we don’t need to worry about doing Thanksgiving perfectly.
Working with relationships to improve our health
Stop and smell the roses
When we’re focused on the future and on just getting stuff done, we fail to appreciate what’s in front of us. This can be really stressful: we’re always worrying about what we need to do next, and feeling chronically late and under-accomplished. Checking one item off our to-do list just means it’s time to move on to another.
Let's go to the farmers' market!
Wired In
Many of us, especially if we work in an office, spend hours every day staring at a computer screen. Then we go home and turn on the television or fire up Netflix, and spend another hour or three decompressing after the day. Of course, this doesn’t even count any time we spend one-on-one with our smartphones.
The healing magic of a hug
Visit your public library!
Thinking and caring for others in need
This has been a tense week for most of us. Regardless of who you voted for, I think we can agree that the election season has been exhausting, draining, and stressful, and that we’d like to move forward.
One way we can move forward is by remembering that we each have the power to help heal our own communities and care for our friends, neighbors, families and selves.
Walking in Reston
I love walking and hiking. I do it year round — it’s one of my favorite ways to relax and recharge. When I recently saw an article about how walking in nature is really good for the brain, my first reaction was, “of course!” Scientists are just confirming what I think most of us already know — that being in nature is deeply healing.
Offering a kind word
Often, the problems of the world seem overwhelming. We see something horrible on the news, or read an article about a group of people suffering somewhere, and it just feels like too much. What can I do? I ask myself. Nothing really, I usually answer.
But I want to help, and I think I’m far from alone in that. One way that all of us can work to make things better is by thinking local. We might not be able to wave a magic wand and end world hunger, but each of us has the power to take action to make our communities a better place to live.